New Year’s Day : An Invitation
Happy Winter Solstice!
I write to WISH you a beautiful longest night, and WELCOME Winter! Burn candles, eat well, drink something warm, observe beauty — it’s always there / here. Always.
I write to THANK you! I am feeling the speed of change, the whirlwind, as this year wends toward its close. I am honoured and grateful that so many joined me in past sessions — so many weeks / months / years of online yoga classes and retreats — through all the phases of the pandemic. You were and are an anchor for me, as I hoped the practice would be for you.
Deep bows, deep thanks,
for time and sustenance shared.
I write to INVITE you! Join us on New Year’s Day, for a special practice to welcome the year, in person and online. To move, breathe, read, sit, reflect — not necessarily in that order! We will build a brief and simple container to pause inside, find centre, clear the cobwebs, smooth the jangles. Let’s close this passing dynamic year and welcome the next, with our wits — and our friends — about us!
New Year’s Day, January 1, 2023
11:30 am to 1 pm
As studio life resumes ever more close to “normal” I love to see you in person — and yet there is still this beautiful connection we can share on-line, onscreen, wherever we are in the geography of our blue planet. Please choose the format you prefer — online or in person — when you register. (I will share the west end Toronto location with those who choose to attend in person.)
Preparation: Wear comfortable clothes for sitting and gentle movement. If you are attending in person, you are welcome to bring a small snack for sharing (there will be herbal tea). If you are practicing at home, choose a comfortable, quiet spot with some privacy, or invite your companions to join us!
Payment is by donation (dana). Recommended donation: $30.