Yoga, Meditation, and Creativity

I lead classes and trainings in yoga, meditation, and modalities of rest — practices I study and cultivate to support well-being and resilience in a creative life. I offer creative workshops anchored in the arts — for the joy and creativity of living!

Special Event

Autumn Equinoxe: Walking Meditation in the Park

Sunday, September 22, at 4pm
Join me to mark the turn of the season with a walk through the labyrinth at Hawk Hill, in High Park.

Walking meditation is a wonderful way to enter a different state of mind, with the repetition and meandering lines of the labyrinth giving us a form to shape the practice. Movement in community and in the elements, all work together to help us move toward a centred state of ease.


The labyrinth is just west of the dog off-leash area, and north of The Grenadier Restaurant. Meet at the path that begins at the north edge of the restaurant’s parking lot by 3:50 pm; or find us at the labyrinth at 4pm.

This special event is offered freely. Donations are welcome. Rain or shine — dress for the weather!

Weekly Yoga Classes

Reset / Restore

Fridays 7 pm

In-person with a virtual option, this popular community class provides a complete and nourishing hour of practice, in a gentle, accessible, supportive style. It’s a beautiful way to close the week, recharge and refresh.


Wednesdays 6pm | Thursdays 12pm   |   Sundays 12pm
These 75 minute classes are playful, liberating, spacious and therapeutic. Rope-wall yoga takes advantage of the props as resistance and support, playful (like flying!) with luxurious, adaptable traction. The practice supports stability and flexibility, and is beneficial and accessible for most students.


All in-person classes are currently offered at Mosaic Yoga Studio, 225 Sterling Road, Toronto. Drop-in classes are $25 + HST.

(Mosaic offers a range of membership and class-pass options as well.)


A Friendly Approach

Mondays, 7:30 pm — Sessions resume September 16, 2024

In-person and online. This weekly session is offered in person at Mosaic Yoga Studio, 225 Sterling Road, Toronto — and on Zoom.

Meditation is a powerful practice to support resilience, stability and insight. Inspired and informed by yog and Buddhist traditions, we have been cultivating a supportive and playful practice to build our toolkit of self-care, in community. From chanting, kriya, mudra, and pranayam, to free-writing, mindfulness and somatics—no experience required.We are all beginners when we embrace the new!

Rami smiles, seated cross-legged in front of the rope wall, holding jnan mudra with her hands.

Teacher Training

Rope-Wall Yoga (YTT)

20 hours: Next Offering — April/May 2025

Releasing, stabilizing, strengthening — a comprehensive introduction to rope-wall yoga in two weekends.

In this training we’ll learn the go-to poses I include in my popular rope-wall classes. We will deepen your knowledge of supportive propping for alignment and ease, for your own inquiry and self-practice. For yoga teachers, you’ll learn how to confidently and creatively incorporate rope practice into your own classes for a diverse student population. 

Rami takes a revolved downward dog pose using the rope wall for support. She is wearing Sky Mandala leggings and a black turtleneck shirt.


Private yoga, meditation or coaching sessions are ideal for working in a detailed way with your specific situation.

As a poet, artist, designer, and teacher, I thrive at the intersection of multiple arts and forms of inquiry. Practices that integrate body and mind support all aspects of my work.

It is an honour and a joy to share these practices with you!

Rami smiles while hanging upside down in a supported yoga head stand using the rope wall.

Guiding Principles

My teaching is influenced by long-term study with Iyengar, Ashtanga, and traditional hatha yoga teachers. I am inspired by movement practices that promote ease, stability, and strength. I am motivated by an ongoing commitment to buddha dharma and yoga philosophy: a vow to see clearly and act with compassion in the world.

I emphasize discernment and self-study to cultivate and support resilient, creative ways of being. This is a life-long practice, continually adapting, as self-awareness and the physical body change over time. At every age and stage of practice, we can learn to listen more deeply, become more grounded and full with life.

I have been a student of yoga and buddhism for over 20 years. I began teaching in Toronto yoga studios in 2013, after completing 500+ hours of teacher training. Additional trainings include restorative, prenatal, rope-wall, pranayam, chanting & kriya, yoga nidra, Zen and Tibettan dharma study, and yoga philosophy.

Susan Richardson, Scott Davis, Morgan Cowie, Monica Voss, Hali Schwartz, Lisa Messina, Ronit Jinich, Taryn Diamond, Anam Thubten Rinpoche, the Roshis and practitioners of the Village Zendo, and Margot Koch and Edward Brown, are favourite guides and teachers who fuel this life study.

Much gratitude.