Pulling threads

Notes and news from the present moment, on its swift way to becoming past.

Autumn Comes: Monday Meditation & A Walk in the Park
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Autumn Comes: Monday Meditation & A Walk in the Park

A new time! Meditation Mondays at Mosaic — 7:30pm for a joyful mix of chanting and breath work to smoothe our nervous systems.

On Sunday, September 22 at 4pm
 we mark the first day of Autumn with a walk through the labyrinth at Hawk Hill, in High Park. Practice outside in the elements is such a beautiful way to connect to the seasons unfolding. Join us!

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Summer Solstice: A Walking Meditation in the Park
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Summer Solstice: A Walking Meditation in the Park

Saturday, June 22, at 2pm

Join me to mark the turn of the season with a walk through the labyrinth at Hawk Hill, in High Park.

Walking meditation is a wonderful way to enter a different state of mind, with the repetition and meandering lines of the labyrinth giving us a form to shape the practice. Movement in community and in the elements, all work together to help us move toward a centred state of ease.

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Teaching Rami Teaching Rami


What seeds begin to stir and move the cold ground? What storms are blowing through? There is so much energy moving all around us — let’s move with it, with attention, with devotion.

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Amor Mundi: Love of the World
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Amor Mundi: Love of the World

In Buddhist practice, maitrī — benevolence or loving-kindness — is the foundation of compassion. What better ground to build our capacity for clear-sighted love, to open our hearts in our relationships and in our actions: to deepen our love of the world.

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New Year Blessings
Rami Rami

New Year Blessings

I did not expect to feel such lightness at the turn of this year, but it is here and I welcome it. I invite this light to continue to manifest and grow with the new year — celebrating the ordinary and extraordinary light of connection and good will in our community of sentient beings.

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Sky Mandalas at Frock
Rami Rami

Sky Mandalas at Frock

Lay your eyes on Sky Mandala silks — in person — at Frock Toronto…very soon! Available just in time for holiday treats.

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Useful Containers
Rami Rami

Useful Containers

Whether its creative practice, professional practice, or moving with ethical integrity through the world — what is the structure that supports fluidity and steadiness? What supports an ability to open and uncover new ways of being in being?

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Simple & Easy
Rami Rami

Simple & Easy

Visit my tiny studio-cubby-hole turned pop-up-shop, at the Flick the Switch Artist’s Collective open studio.

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Within the storm
Rami Rami

Within the storm

Here is Hurricane Lee rolling in, bringing extra excitement to our journey. Weather is such a beautiful metaphor for mind…

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and so soon new things come
Rami Rami

and so soon new things come

In the transition from summer to autumn, learning from bardo practice … preparing for Autumn equinoxe, a new yoga schedule and a NEW meditation class

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May 6 Workshop: Rope-wall Inversions
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

May 6 Workshop: Rope-wall Inversions

In this 2-hour workshop, we will explore inversions such as headstand, handstand, and shoulder-stand, using the rope wall to make the benefits of these poses accessible to practitioners at any level of experience. This workshop will provide opportunities to become comfortable with, or deepen into, these expansive, joyful, liberating poses.⁣

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New Year’s Day : An Invitation
Rami Rami

New Year’s Day : An Invitation

Join us on New Year’s Day, for a special practice to welcome the year, in person and online. To move, breathe, read, sit, reflect — not necessarily in that order! We will build a brief and simple container to pause inside, find centre, clear the cobwebs, smooth the jangles. Let’s close this passing dynamic year and welcome the next, with our wits — and our friends — about us!

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