Pulling threads

Notes and news from the present moment, on its swift way to becoming past.

Amor Mundi: Love of the World
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Amor Mundi: Love of the World

In Buddhist practice, maitrī — benevolence or loving-kindness — is the foundation of compassion. What better ground to build our capacity for clear-sighted love, to open our hearts in our relationships and in our actions: to deepen our love of the world.

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Ever Beginning
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Ever Beginning

In my ongoing exploration of meditation practice I return again and again to the buddhist concept of “beginner mind.” Forever and always, we are new to this moment. There has not been one just like it, ever before. This is true now, was yesterday, and will be tomorrow.

Can we remain curious and open to newness, and to our inexpertise?

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