Spring Will Be
How are you? It has been a long winter. Here in Toronto it is hard to believe Spring begins in one week, with our tempestuous days and snow still on the way. But then, this tempestuousness is like Spring also — not all soft chicks and tulips, the vigorous energy of birth embodies life’s wildest forces. The sweet and pungent beauty of Spring meets the Winter cold and they are married, like Persephone and Hades, in an archetypal dance of magnolia buds and ice.
I welcome and celebrate
in all ways
Life loving itself into being.
I wrote these words on the first day of this year, and I return to them now as mantra. I will continue the work of embodying and prioritizing peace, vigorously. Such a tension, here, in the paradox — the tremendous effort of deep practice, to see beyond the moment’s enragements. I fail, regularly, to remain equanimous, alive as I am in life’s wildness. Yet this belief is firm: equanimity is a state we have already evolved to know, and it is equanimity and compassion that make Peace possible.
Equanimity and peace can spontaneously arise — and — they are the fruits of vigorous training.
I now offer three weekly opportunities to engage with this practice of sādhāna, together. I’d love to see you — onscreen or for real!
~ Rami
Spring Sangha begins on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, at 7:30 pm.
This online group meditation and somatic practice is offered weekly, every Tuesday evening. You are invited to join as often as you wish — learn more and sign up once, for the whole season:
Yoga — in person!
Join me for a new therapeutic rope-wall class, Thursday mornings at Mosaic Yoga Studio, 10:15-11:15 am, (225 Sterling Road, Toronto).
This is an utterly joyful, freeing practice — open to all levels of experience and ability. Those who know, know — if you are curious or uncertain, just come! Class size is limited to 8, vaccination required. Learn more and preregister:
Saturdays at Breathe
Unwind & Restore yoga and meditation class continues online, with Breathe Yoga Studio,
Saturdays, 11:15 am to 12:30 pm, ET.
See my teaching page for classes and offerings.
Contact me to arrange solo or small group yoga or meditation sessions, or with questions.
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