Pulling threads

Notes and news from the present moment, on its swift way to becoming past.

Pearls of Wisdom
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Pearls of Wisdom

Working with the reflex to DO rather than BE when faced with suffering, remembering: it is skillful to bear witness, without jumping into distracting action; to listen, without dissociation, or minimizing, or denial; to return to presence when facing pain.

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Using Discernment
Poiesis, Teaching Rami Poiesis, Teaching Rami

Using Discernment

A translation of bramacharya that works well in my mind is right use of energy. In yoga and in meditation, we spend a lot of time discerning HOW we are using our energy—on gross and subtle levels, social, interior. What is the quality of our experience, and how are are we directing our vital energy?

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