August Retreat

#skyproject, Photography by Rami Schandall

#skyproject, Photography by Rami Schandall

Here we are, well into August already! I hope you are enjoying the heat, the reprieve from heat, and the heat again. I hope you are thriving as the gardens are. 

Next week, I am offering a community meditation practice each morning, from August 17 to 21, 2020, 8:30 a.m.–9 a.m.

We can call this a retreat, following the buddhists who dwell in monsoon climates and take annual retreats in this season — for months even! Our practice is more plain (and easy) — a time of brief, focused commitment to seating a daily practice. It's an opportunity to reflect and reset, with the support of community.

It’s so good to practice together. 


  • A brief greeting and short reading.

  • Seated meditation for 20 minutes.

Time & location:

Monday to Friday, August 17–21, 2020
8:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. on Zoom!

Please contact me if you have questions about the August week-long retreat, or if you would like to join us for Tuesday Sangha when it resumes.


Beginning Anew


Pause and Retreat