Pulling threads

Notes and news from the present moment, on its swift way to becoming past.

Teaching Rami Teaching Rami


What seeds begin to stir and move the cold ground? What storms are blowing through? There is so much energy moving all around us — let’s move with it, with attention, with devotion.

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and so soon new things come
Rami Rami

and so soon new things come

In the transition from summer to autumn, learning from bardo practice … preparing for Autumn equinoxe, a new yoga schedule and a NEW meditation class

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Winter Solstice
Teaching, Poiesis Rami Teaching, Poiesis Rami

Winter Solstice

I have added a Winter Solstice meditation session to the calendar, on Tuesday, December 21, 2021. Join us! Also coming soon — the end of year mini-retreat — and in January, our weekly Winter meditation session is open for signup.

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Teaching Rami Teaching Rami


The practices I have been gathering and that I share when teaching, are things I experience as methods of “homecoming” — coming to rest in being, whole. “Creative” or not, I believe we all, by the fact of living, are in the process of bringing forth what has not before been expressed, what has not before been realized. This is poeisis.

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A Living Being, Feeling the Sun
Teaching, Poiesis Rami Teaching, Poiesis Rami

A Living Being, Feeling the Sun

I am working on a book that follows the lives of several families in the early 1900s, in a very rugged and remote part of the west coast. I have been reading widely many writers from that time period, to understand more deeply how that literature depicted it’s own time, to get a feel for how people understood the historical moment from within it. One of the writer’s I have come to read in this quest is Willa Cather, and her story of an orphaned settler boy. She writes this 10-year-old character with great tenderness, and through him, in two brief passages, Cather delivers a profound teaching that sounds like buddhist or yog philosophy to me.

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Welcome Summer Retreat
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Welcome Summer Retreat

When we sit together, we practice resting into our experience.
We practice sharing, and we practice listening.
In these ways, may we become skillful.

July 5–9, 2021
8:00–8:30 a.m.

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Awakening Spring: A Meditation Retreat
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Awakening Spring: A Meditation Retreat

With this seasonal change I will call upon an archetype of earth, the fecund and great Mother, in all her lustiness and intensity. She brings us the flowers and honey, the sweet colours of spring, and the terrific force of birth. She is one who will not be denied, and we do not control her. Join me in meeting Spring with a seasonal retreat: March 15–19, 8:00–8:30 a.m.

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Winter Practice
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Winter Practice

Today, just a quick note today to let you know that the Winter Schedule is live, with all classes resuming next week. You can find the details in my calendar, and described in this blog post.

I will pick up writing on the yamas and niyamas again in the coming weeks — continuing a winter-appropriate exploration of ethical precepts in the philosophy of yoga.

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Turn the Year: A Meditation Retreat
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Turn the Year: A Meditation Retreat

It is natural to take time to reflect as the year turns — a time for meditative retreat in the darkest days after Winter Solstice. Let us close this year with a dedicated space for that reflection, to integrate and inquire…

December 28, 2020 – January 1, 2021 8:30–9 a.m.

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The Notion of Refuge
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

The Notion of Refuge

I am grateful for a mini-retreat with a gang of you, just last week. Another opportunity to set new patterns, to contemplate teachings, and to simply SIT with it all and each other, five mornings in a row.

I chose the timing of these events deliberately, to build support into a time that was easy to predict would be fraught with tensions and anxiety.

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Happy Thanksgiving
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Happy Thanksgiving

What would an authentic practice of gratitude look like for you? Can we nurture natural gratitude without burying “non-gratitude”? Let's play with this idea!

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Riding the Wave
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Riding the Wave

Many feel this season and the next will be long ones. I hear resignation and some dread. I feel these things, yet, I also experience a glimmer of excitement for the deep inward turn that will come with winter. A time to dig deep into rich material, dream-time, integration and quiet creation time.

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Late, Late Summer
Teaching, Poiesis Rami Teaching, Poiesis Rami

Late, Late Summer

For the month of September, the meditation circle which I lead has been working with a metaphor practice:

body as mountain
breath as the sea
sky — mind

This is an invitation to think / sense / feel into these archetypes of the natural world, to contemplate their qualities and notice how our embodied experience might echo them. The imagery is boundless, but we can start from here…

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Ever Beginning
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Ever Beginning

In my ongoing exploration of meditation practice I return again and again to the buddhist concept of “beginner mind.” Forever and always, we are new to this moment. There has not been one just like it, ever before. This is true now, was yesterday, and will be tomorrow.

Can we remain curious and open to newness, and to our inexpertise?

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