For the Time Being
Imaginary Book Cover with Blue Trees. Sometimes inspiration arrives and has no obvious home. This little cover design does not belong to a book—but wouldn’t it be cute?
© 2022 Rami Schandall
Time, oh time … I am a time-being, a being in a complex relationship with time. Who among us is not?
I grieve the speed of time flying … except in October. I may never have been more ready to close the door on the tenth month than this year. We have history, October and I, and our reacquaintance in 2022 was epic. I won’t bore you with a litany — let’s just say it’s been a lot.
Like most times of challenge, getting to an other side feels like sweet relief, and I am drawing that energy around me like a cloak. November is a whole new month and I invite goodness in for all time-beings! Healing and abundance as needed, movement and rest as needed — breathe in, breathe out.
November Newness
Beginning this week, our gentle ropewall classes are moving to a NEW TIME. The class will be offered on Thursdays at noon: book with Mosaic Yoga Studio or through me. Autumn passes are still available in bundles of 10 and 5, with a small discount for you.
Our nourishing Saturday practice continues unchanged. Start the weekend off right with a 10am Inspired Reset, in-person and online.