Giving Thanks
Blue Trees, watercolour on paper, ©2022 Rami Schandall
I have written before about gratitude practice being one I often have a rebelliousness against — I don’t want to be (perform, act) grateful just because someone tells me to! (Such a brat.)
However, I have been experiencing the most profound and spontaneous gratitude recently. It sneaks up and practically knocks me over, and I am grateful to recognize this sensation, and bask in it deeply. It is not in response to things I am grateful for, or reasons to be grateful, but a wave of well-being and thankfulness that arises out of simple human connection. This has been most striking where we practice together.
Thank you.
Wednesday and Saturday classes are scheduled as usual, no interruptions for this Thanksgiving weekend. Both classes are wonderful opportunities to care for yourself and set a peaceful tone for the day or weekend ahead…We always begin with freeing movement—enough to shake the cobwebs off—and round into longer, yin and restorative shapes. In my guidance these days I emphasize stability and ease, grounding and light — the way apparent opposites are in fact necessary partners. The whole practice is a deep bow offered to your already wise body-mind.
Register for classes through me or at Mosaic Yoga Studio, where both classes are held. Your choice!
Note, bundles of 5 and 10 classes are available from me at a small discount. Valid through December 2022.
See you soon!