Pulling threads

Notes and news from the present moment, on its swift way to becoming past.

For the Time Being
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

For the Time Being

Time, oh time … I am a time-being, a being in a complex relationship with time. Who among us is not?

I grieve the speed of time flying … except in October.

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a fresh start
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

a fresh start

I was reading yesterday in the I Ching, hexagram 32. Hêng, or “Duration.” This hexagram is made of two trigrams: The Gentle / Wind, below, and The Arousing / Thunder, above. How fascinating that two such dynamic natural forces, combined, could yield an association with union and constancy! But in this iconography, the explanation goes:

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the gifts of summer
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

the gifts of summer

So quickly this July is flying! And so many friends literally flying, springing free, outbound on wings of metal, after these strange years of such restricted movement. It is a gift to move freely when we have felt bound.

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Life Is Art Is Life
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Life Is Art Is Life

At the beginning of 2020, besides thinking about the yamas and niyamas, I chose a word to be my focal aspiration for the year. (Much more helpful than a resolution!) My word was “concordance,” which is to bring all parts together in harmony.

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