Moving Through These Expanding Days
I am happy to see snow outside my window this evening. I felt a glimmer of Spring this week, only a half-thought, and I wanted to put on the brakes. I love Spring, don’t get me wrong, but I have not finished with Winter. Of course it is has not finished with us.
I am happy to see new classes full of new faces and old friends this month, as my yoga teaching schedule expands alongside Mosaic Studio’s wonderful, welcome growth. It is deeply gratifying after this long, strange time, to gather in this kind of space, to practice in the fullness of community.
I have been thinking a lot about community — the way people gather around yoga studios or classes or teachers, how this is about self-care and also about social connection, and about spirit. I have been thinking about what is filling me up, and what is not fully met.
I have been thinking about the grief and bewilderment I felt last year, with what had been lost in the pandemic years. I still grieve for time passed in isolation, far from loved ones in their struggles; there is a residue of sadness for many people, after these hard years. And then, I find also excitement — in this gap, in this state of not-quite-recovered, there is much room to choose new ways, to choose inspiration — to create what is missing, reestablish connections and build new ones.
Do we have the energy? Do we have the resilience? I think we do — and if not, let’s work on that.
I have been thinking about in-person sangha. Is it time? I held weekly meditation sessions at my home for many years, and have been considering doing so again. I am open to a hybrid version to welcome friends far and wide, and — it feels like reemphasizing in-person connection is also necessary. Perhaps there is something to be done with sharing creative time, or gathering to eat together. (The types of things that happen spontaneously in a very small village…making social glue…)
What do you think? I would love to hear from you — how are you meeting this moment, what is met, unmet, wanting to be born at the right time, like Spring ?
I am on Mosaic’s regular schedule at both 225 Sterling Road
and the Annex location, 440 Bloor Street West.
Please preregister as class sizes are limited.
Sterling Location:
Thursdays 12–1:15 pm — Gentle Rope Wall
Fridays 6:45–7:45 pm — Inspired Reset / Restorative: NEW & Candlelit
Sundays 12–1 pm — Rope Wall
NEW Annex Location:
Thursdays 7–8 pm — Restorative / Deep Rest
See you soon!
— Rami
I am happy to be included in the Guild of Canadian Weaver’s Anniversary Exhibition as they celebrate their 75th year! Visit the deluxe online display of gorgeous fibre arts. My sample, “Waterway,” pictured in the banner above, is part of a larger series of rugs expressing a felt sense of the elements. Each rug is 23 x 60 inches, and will be available for sale.