Summer Solstice: A Walking Meditation in the Park


Special Event - A Walking Meditation in the Park

Saturday, June 22, at 2pm
Join me to mark the turn of the season with a walk through the labyrinth at Hawk Hill, in High Park

Walking meditation is a wonderful way to enter a different state of mind, with the repetition and concentric lines of the labyrinth giving us a form to shape the practice. Movement in community and in the elements, all work together to help us move toward a centred state of ease.


The labyrinth is just west of the dog off-leash area, and north of The Grenadier Restaurant. Meet at the path that begins at the north edge of the restaurant’s parking lot by 1:55 pm; or find us at the labyrinth at 2pm.

This special event is offered freely. Donations are welcome. Rain or shine — dress for the weather!


Autumn Comes: Monday Meditation & A Walk in the Park

