Welcome Summer Retreat
Overexposed, flower photography by Rami Schandall ©2021.
Next week = Retreat week
When we sit together, we practice resting into our experience.
We practice sharing, and we practice listening.
In these ways, may we become skillful.
Welcome Summer July 5–9, 2021
8:00–8:30 a.m.
Our Summer “mini-retreat” is a gentle form of ritual. Coming together with dedication, for a number of days, is significant and affirming collective practice. What does summer mean to you, in general and this one specifically? What would you choose to cultivate and draw forth in your self and bring to bloom during this season?
Although our daily session together is brief, I encourage you to consider how you might protect a larger sense of retreat through the week, perhaps scheduling a silent walk, reflective writing, or evening practice into your day. I offer readings, body+mind practices, and creative suggestions in our time together, and share texts by email for further reflection. All are welcome!
This retreat is offered in a spirit of generosity. Please consider the value of the practice to you, and give in alignment with your circumstances. This is dana.
Once you have registered, you will receive one link that will be used for all five of our morning sessions. Choose a place to sit which you can return to each morning: a clear space, set with intention. You might like to make your chosen spot a little bit special with a candle, favourite stones, a flower, a photograph, or a cushion that you like to use. Make this a place you will be happy to come back to, a simple refuge that becomes charged with intention, ready to support you in your practice this week and beyond.