March Equinoxe
Spring Cross (detail) © 2022 Rami Schandall. Silk scarf design, variable dimensions, from Skyproject / Sky Mandalas.
I have been delighting with the liminal dusk and its coincidence with evening restorative classes. So far this winter, I have travelled to and from in the dark, taught in the night-time, and now with a one hour shift of the clock, we meet the sunset perfectly. If I could, I would live in a clockless world and take this deep listening and nurturant practice always at dusk — when the changing light triggers a circadian signal to slow down now, draw close, and take care. Attuned and in synch with the shape of the day — so satisfying!
And we are now in the liminal time of early, early Spring! The underground things growing softly in the dark hush are nearly ready to burst forth, to bloom and grow and come to fruition. It is a bit wild, this energy, coming with March storms, that transitional volatility. I will travel on the Equinoxe itself, to my childhood home on the west coast of Canada, a place whose sweetest nature is visible in Spring. Bulbs bloom and fruit trees blossom so early there, and I hope I will witness this. But it has also been a difficult few years in that part of the world, the seasonal volatility has become so much more extreme in our era of climate disruption, and its unpredictability is a very profound worry. I go with as few expectations as possible: a return to a familiar place, deep in the midst of change. Another liminal, transitional experience.
In honour of the seasonal shift, I have created three new Sky Mandala Silks, from dark and snowy to peach blossom pink! One scarf was recently won by a Mosaic Challenge participant — hooray Hannah! And Chris says:
“I love my scarf! Holding it up to the light on sunny days gives me a little zing of joy.”
Here’s to many more zings of joy and sunny days for all!
Click the images below to see the patterns in more detail.
I’m working on some prototypes for new Sky Mandala products…coming soon!
Wonderful news for my poet-ego came in early 2023 with the announcement of the Priscila Upal Memorial Award for poetry. My poem, “Pilgrimage,” was an honourable mention. You can read it now on the beautiful Canthius website. I am not in the current print magazine, but do pick up a copy — it’s chock full of gorgeous art and writing.
A second poem has been accepted by Cross Winds Poetry Journal also for publication in 2023, and there may be readings in this fine year as well...I will keep you posted!
Teaching Schedule: I teach 5 weekly yoga classes at Mosaic Yoga Toronto.
Please prebook as class sizes are small and they are frequently full!
Live-streaming is available for the restorative classes.
Sterling Location — 225 Sterling Road
Wednesdays 6–7 pm — Rope Wall
Thursdays 12–1:15 pm — Gentle Rope Wall
Fridays 6:45–7:45 pm — Inspired Reset / Restorative – Candlelit
Sundays 12–1 pm — Rope Wall
Annex Location — 440 Bloor Street West
Thursdays 7–8 pm — Restorative / Deep Rest
(Read more about these classes and my approach.)
NOTE: I am away March 20-26, but my classes will be subbed by wonderful teachers.
See you soon!
— Rami