Pulling threads

Notes and news from the present moment, on its swift way to becoming past.

The Notion of Refuge
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

The Notion of Refuge

I am grateful for a mini-retreat with a gang of you, just last week. Another opportunity to set new patterns, to contemplate teachings, and to simply SIT with it all and each other, five mornings in a row.

I chose the timing of these events deliberately, to build support into a time that was easy to predict would be fraught with tensions and anxiety.

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October Retreat
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

October Retreat

A balm for difficult times — let us rest into supported community practice together, for one week of morning practice in the last week of October.

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Happy Thanksgiving
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Happy Thanksgiving

What would an authentic practice of gratitude look like for you? Can we nurture natural gratitude without burying “non-gratitude”? Let's play with this idea!

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Riding the Wave
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Riding the Wave

Many feel this season and the next will be long ones. I hear resignation and some dread. I feel these things, yet, I also experience a glimmer of excitement for the deep inward turn that will come with winter. A time to dig deep into rich material, dream-time, integration and quiet creation time.

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Late, Late Summer
Teaching, Poiesis Rami Teaching, Poiesis Rami

Late, Late Summer

For the month of September, the meditation circle which I lead has been working with a metaphor practice:

body as mountain
breath as the sea
sky — mind

This is an invitation to think / sense / feel into these archetypes of the natural world, to contemplate their qualities and notice how our embodied experience might echo them. The imagery is boundless, but we can start from here…

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Pause and Retreat
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Pause and Retreat

In many buddhist traditions, August is a time of retreat. I’m following that lead with a brief pause in weekly sangha, and a one-week morning retreat to reset our practice, later in the month.

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Ever Beginning
Teaching Rami Teaching Rami

Ever Beginning

In my ongoing exploration of meditation practice I return again and again to the buddhist concept of “beginner mind.” Forever and always, we are new to this moment. There has not been one just like it, ever before. This is true now, was yesterday, and will be tomorrow.

Can we remain curious and open to newness, and to our inexpertise?

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Teaching Rami Teaching Rami


Strange Grasses: New Growth on Old.

Sangha is sanskrit for community — gathering together. In the buddhist sense, sangha supports our resilience, individually and collectively, when we meditate together and learn from our friends in dharma.

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